"As we enter campaign season I encourage anyone who wants to know what I've done or what I stand for to go to the websites of WFAE, WBTV, WSOC, WCCB, WCNC, and the Charlotte Observer. Search for "Jim Puckett" among those sites and it will be clear where I stand on most issues of the day."
- Jim Puckett
Note: The collection below only represents a portion of Commissioner Puckett's credits, and furthermore only span his latest term in office, not the entirety of his public service since 1998. For each section, articles are listed from most to least recent.
Public Concerns:
Report criticizes Mecklenburg health department | Charlotte Observer
Should Mecklenburg Commissioners honor Ramadan? | Charlotte Observer
Huntersville leaders asking for new steps in possible eye cancer cluster | WSOC-TV
Toll Roads:
Cooper forms group to make recommendations about I-77 toll project |
Citizens advisory group will help with I-77 toll lane project | Spectrum Local News
Critics want more information from DOT study | Charlotte Observer
Mecklenburg board orders commissioner to vote against state road plan | Charlotte Observer
NCDOT Closes On I-77 Toll Lane Financing; Commissioner Puckett 'Shocked' | WFAE
Send CMS a very loud message – scuttle bond referendum | The Charlotte Post
Tough Questions Already for New Superintendent.mp3 | News 1110am 99.3fm WBT - Charlotte
CMS asked to hand over facility maintenance after health violations |
CMS magnet diversity plan draws national praise and criticism | Charlotte Observer
Mecklenburg commissioners seek new way to fund CMS | Charlotte Observer
Did CMS ‘pull a fast one’ on land deal for Ballantyne school? | Charlotte Observer
Taxpayer Subsidy of Professional Sports:
Mecklenburg commissioners blow up stadium deal | Charlotte Observer
A county commissioner perfectly summed up the argument against the MLS stadium deal | Charlotte Agenda18
Where is the grassroots support for Major League Soccer? | Charlotte Agenda
Mecklenburg commissioners vote to end contract with Charlotte police | Charlotte Observer
Bill gives Mecklenburg property owners time to pay back taxes | Charlotte Observer
Commissioner Jim Puckett dresses for the occasion | Charlotte Observer (4th title down)
Catawba Crossings project on 'life support' - | WBTV Charlotte
New Catawba bridge encounters opposition east of the river | Gaston Gazette